PSC Routine 2019 | Primary School Certificate Routine Download

PSC Routine 2019 has been published by Primary School Certificate authority. Now download PSC Routine 2019 from here. PSC exam will starts from 17th November and ends in 24th November 2019
5 min read
PSC Routine 2019 has been published by Primary School Certificate authority. Now download PSC Routine 2019 from here. PSC exam will starts from 17th November and ends in 24th November 2019. Primary school certificate exam is conducted by the Director of primary education.

    PSC Exam Routine 2019 has published by Primary Education Board on 22nd August 2019. Download PSC Routine 2019 from our website. DPE is responsible for the primary school certificate exam and eradicates the illiteracy in the country mass education infrastructure.

    PSC Routine 2019 Download

    PSC Routine 2019 download by Primary Education Board The Primary Terminal Examinations-2019 for class (V) students of general and madrasah education will begin on 17th November 2019.
    PSC Routine 2019 PDF Download
    This decision is taken by the Primary and Mass Education Ministry on Sunday, 3rd August 2019. Primary and Mass Education Minister Mostafizur Rahman Fizar and Education secretary Kazi Akhter Hossain and Director General of Primary Education Department Shyamal Kanti Ghosh were among others were present at the meeting.

    Important Information on PSC Exam 2019

    PSC Exam 2019 would be held from 17th November to 24th November 2019 and exam time is 10:30am to 1:00pm but the handicrafts would get extra 20 minutes and PSC Exam 2019 fee has been allocated TK 60 Said an official. PSC Exam Result 2019 might be published on 28th December 2019. PSC Exam 2019 certificates would be given on 20th January 2020. For the first time, security tap would be used instead of a seal.
    There is a total of 31 lakh of class V students will sit for the PSC Examination 2019. There are 27 lakh 99 thousand 613 examinees are from the general line and 3 lakh 11 thousand 265 examinees will attend at PSC Exam 2019.

    PSC Exam Routine 2019 of Primary school certificate

    Easily download PSC Exam Routine 2019 of Primary school certificate. PSC is the first educational examination at all class 5 students. If they are passed the exam, then they can admit info class 6. After that, they start their Secondary school journey. Routine or timetable is the most important part of every exam. If you looking for PSC Routine 2019 for all education board, then you're in the right place.

    In here I am going to share full and final PSC Exam Routine 2019 that officially published by Primary education board. All PSC exam held under the Directorate of Primary education board and routine and time table also publish under this board. In below I am sharing probable PSC Routine 2019.

    Download PSC Routine JPEG

    If you're interested to download the PSC Routine 2019 JPEG file, then follow the instruction. If you visit this page from a Desktop or laptop, then press right-button of your mouse on the above image and select option "Save Image As".
    PSC Routine 2019
    PSC Routine 2019 image download
    If you visit this page from a mobile or tablet device, then press on the image for 2-3 second and select option "Download Image". Hope you undertand about how to download the PSC routine as an Image file.

    Download PSC Routine 2019 PDF

    If you need to download the PSC Routine 2019 PDF file then download the PDF file frome below link. This is a very important department who is conducted the exams every year and giving the results. The main responsibility of this department is to ensure that every child who is age between to 6 to 7 year should be getting primary educated. And give a second chance of that kind of boys and girls who dropout from the schools. These are the main roles which are perform by the director of primary education.

    PSC Routine PDF File download link is:

    Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) is responsible for conducting of PSC and its equivalent exams. And the exam Routine is also published by DPE. Check PSC English Suggestion.

    Table of PSC Exam Routine 2019

    Subject Name Date Time
    English 17 November 2019 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
    Bangla 18 November 2019 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
    Bangladesh & Bishya Porichay 19 November 2019 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
    General Science 20 November 2019 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
    Religion & Moral Education 21 November 2019 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
    Mathematics 24 November 2019 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
    PSC represents Primary School Certificate and it is equivalent to Ebtedayee exam. the PSC is also called Prathomik Shikkha Somaponi. Generally, PSC exams are held in the month of November and the result is announced in the month of December.

    PSC Exam Short Suggestion

    1. Write only the answer on the answer paper. 1×10=10
    i) Babul was _____ to move.
    (a) able (b) unable (c) enable (d) ability
    ii. What happened to Nipa?
    (a) She was alive (b) She was dead (c) She was weak (d) She was injured
    iii. What was completely ruined?
    (a) His dream (b) His field (c) His shop (d) His house
    iv. Later ______ were found with many others.
    (a) His father (b) His mother (c) their dead bodies (d) His uncle
    v. The village _____ the valley of death.
    (a) become (b) becomes (c) becoming (d) became
    vi. They made a _____ at their school field.
    (a) Hospital (b) market (c) shelter center (d) relief camp
    vii. Who did they work with?
    (a) villagers (b) family (c) NGO (d) Army
    viii. They needed a safe place to _____.
    (a) play (b) cultivate (c) sleep (d) run
    ix. The people suffer from _____.
    (a) many diseases (b) modern facilities (c) mosquitoes (d) fever
    x. What is the synonym of ‘ruined’?
    (a) Survived (b) Overcome (c) Destroyed (d) Built

    Final words: In above, we just shared the officially published routine of primary school. If you have any question about PSC Routine 2019 and timetable, then just leave a comment on the comment sections. You can find a more informative article about your PSC Exam Routine 2019.
    StudyhourBD is another leading educational portal in Bangladesh. You can find your National University Degree Result, Honours Result, and NU Routine as well.

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