NU Honours 1st Year Book List 2019-20 [All Department]

Are you looking for Honours 1st Year book list 2019-20? Well, This is the best place for getting you National University BA Honours 1st year exam book list of session 2019-20 for all department
Hello, all first year examine! Are you looking for Honours 1st Year book list 2019-20? Well, This is the best place for getting you National University BA Honours 1st year exam book list of session 2019-20 for all department. 29th September Honours 1st year admission result was published. The class will be started on 10th October 2019. That's why every student needs to know the National University Honours book list.

    Today I am sharing Honours 1st year book list 2019 - 2020 session. National University has more than 12 departments. Every year more than 8th Lakhs students admitted into NU Bangladesh. Bangla and English is the most popular department of National University. This is B.A Honours 1st year syllabus as well as.

    Honours 1st Year Book List 2019-20

    National University Honours 1st year students are newly admitted. That's why they have no idea about Honours 1st year book list 2019-20. Don't worry. In this article, I am sharing all department Honours 1st year book list 2019 like as, Bangla department, English department, Management department, Marketing department, and all others department 1st year book list of National University.

    NU Honours 1st Year Book List 2019-20

    Table of Honours 1st Year Book List 2019 - 2020

    • Bangla Department
    • English Department
    • History Department
    • Philosophy Department
    • Islamic Studies Department
    • Islamic History & Culture Department
    • Accounting Department
    • Management Department
    • Marketing Department
    Bachelor of Arts (BA) Honours 1st year book list here listed. The digital study makes a student more attentive. If you have any smartphone or Desktop then download the PDF version of the textbook and make your study easier. The National University of Bangladesh provides all books and syllabus for free. In this post, we listed all textbook list and syllabus for Honours 1st year all department one by one. Some books are still not published. When publishing these books then we’ll update here all books.

    Honours 1st Year Book list of Bangla Department

    If you looking for honours 1st year Bangla book list, then you can note all book list of Honours 1st year Bangla department. The syllabus of Honours 1st year Bangla department.
    honours 1st year bangla book list

    Honours 1st Year English Book List

    English is the most popular subject of National University. Now collect Honours 1st year English book list for your upcoming all examination and studies. Full syllabus of the English Department.
    Honours 1st year English book list

    Honours 1st Year History Book List

    Are you studying in the History department? Well now collect full book list of Honours 1st year history department and syllabus also.
    Honours 1st Year History Book List

    Honours 1st Year Philosophy Book List

    Philosophy is another popular subject in Bangladesh. Every year a large number of students are admitted into the Philosophy department. Now collect Honours 1st year Philosophy book list.
    Honours 1st Year Philosophy Book List

    Honours 1st Year Islamic Studies Book List

    The department of Islamic Studies and a book list is here. It's a religious subject in Bangladesh. Most of the students are feeling good about this subject. Here are Honours 1st year Islamic Studies book list and Syllabus of Islamic Studies department.
    Honours 1st Year Islamic Studies Book List

    Honours 1st Year Islamic History & Culture Book List and Syllabus

    Islamic studies and Islamic History & Culture aren't the same subject. Two are a different department of National University. If you form the Islamic History & Culture department, then collect your BA Honours 1st year Islamic History & Culture book list and syllabus.
    Honours 1st Year Islamic History & Culture Book List

    Honours 1st Year Accounting Book list

    Bachelor of Business Studies is the most challenging subject in Bangladesh. If you looking for BBS Honours 1st year Accounting book list and syllabus, then collect your all 1st year honours department of accounting book list. This is the perfect and right place to collect National University BBS Honours accounting book list.
    Honours 1st Year Accounting Book list

    Honours 1st Year Management Book List

    Management studies are another good and demandable subject of National University. If you looking for Honours 1st year Management book list, then collect all 1st year honours Management department book list.
    Honours 1st Year Management Book List

    Honours 1st Year Marketing Book List

    Marketing is the most important subject of BBS honours 1st year. If you're from 1st year honours Marketing department, then you collect your syllabus. Not only syllabus, but this is also the Honours 1st year Marketing book list for you.
    Honours 1st Year Marketing Book List
    I hope you got helped by find 1st year honours book list of all departments. Everyone looking for BA and BBS honours 1st year book list. In this article, we shared NU EDU BD all department book list. All book Courtesy:

    Recommended article for Honours 1st year:
    Final Words: In the above studyhourbd shared BA and BBS Honours 1st year book list of session 2018 2019. Hope this article will help you to find the all department book list. If we skipped any department book list, then don't forget to inform us via the comment box. We'll update is here immediately.
    StudyhourBD is another leading educational portal in Bangladesh. You can find your National University Degree Result, Honours Result, and NU Routine as well.